Individualized Instruction

Kosloff Torah Academy strives to meet the academic needs of each student. We carefully plan a meaningful special needs curriculum for students who have been evaluated for special needs instruction. The curriculum is developed by Mrs. Sarah Leah Greenspan, Director of Educational Services, who is certified in remedial instruction, in consultation with the Principal, Assistant Principal, Guidance Counselor, and classroom teachers.
In the absence of a current professional educational evaluation, students who experience difficulty in standard level classes are referred to the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit (MCIU) for a comprehensive evaluation. The results of the evaluation are used to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the student. The plan lists the student’s strengths and weaknesses. Any modifications KTA makes in the student’s coursework are included in the plan, as well as recommendations made by the MCIU. Plans are shared with the administration, teachers, parents and student.

KTA currently offers remedial classes in Chumash, Math and English. The modified חומש curriculum develops the student’s חומש skills while learning high school level מפרשים (commentaries) and concepts. The math curriculum presents instruction in Pre-Algebra, Geometry and Algebra I on a modified level. Students in need of assistance with language arts may receive intervention through the MCIU and may be eligible to participate in an intensive in-school remedial language arts program which supplements the Standard English curriculum.